The Download as CSV app allows your site users to download a CSV version of any Data Collection in your Wix CMS.
Basic Use:
- Create a Data Collection in the CMS and populate it with data.

- Add the Generator Widget to any page of your site.

- Open the connect panel and select your collection from the dropdown.

- Publish your site and click the Download CSV button!
Note: Basic users are limited to 100 items per CSV.
Advanced settings (Pro only)
- Apply Permissions Toggle:
When toggled on, only users with permissions that match the View permissions of the Data Collection will be able to download the CSV.
- Fields Checkboxes:
Select the fields you want to appear in the downloaded CSV. Unselect fields you don’t want (such as the Wix system fields).
Dev Access (Pro only)
//onComplete will fire when the download url is ready
const {data} = event;
const {downloadUrl} = data;
//note: the temporary csv file is moved to trash 3 seconds after the download url is generated
//.start() begin the generation process with the widget settings