The Download as CSV app allows your site users to download a CSV version of any Data Collection in your Wix CMS.

Basic Use:

  1. Create a Data Collection in the CMS and populate it with data.


  1. Add the Generator Widget to any page of your site.


  1. Open the connect panel and select your collection from the dropdown.


  1. Publish your site and click the Download CSV button!

Note: Basic users are limited to 100 items per CSV.

Advanced settings (Pro only)

  1. Apply Permissions Toggle: When toggled on, only users with permissions that match the View permissions of the Data Collection will be able to download the CSV.
  2. Fields Checkboxes: Select the fields you want to appear in the downloaded CSV. Unselect fields you don’t want (such as the Wix system fields).

Dev Access (Pro only)


//onComplete will fire when the download url is ready

		const {data} = event;
		const {downloadUrl} = data;

//note: the temporary csv file is moved to trash 3 seconds after the download url is generated


//.start() begin the generation process with the widget settings
